Mini Session
15 minute consultation
30 minute photo shoot session at our chosen location
1 pet, +$25 for each additional pet
3-5 Professionally Edited Photos
+digital gallery with additional
photos & purchase options
Pet Session
15 minute consultation
60 minute photo shoot session at our chosen location
2 pets, +$25 for each additional pet
7-10 Professionally Edited Photos
+digital gallery with additional photos & purchase options

Portrait Session
This session aims to highlight your special relationship with your pet or pets.
15 minute consultation
60 minute photo shoot session at our chosen location
You + 1 pet, +$25 for each additional pet
5-7 Professionally Edited Photos
+digital gallery with additional photos & purchase options
Puppy Package
3 Sessions at various ages
under 1 year old
This package is meant to showcase your puppy's growth over the first exciting year.
15 minute consultation before each session
3 - 45 minute photo shoot sessions at our chosen location(s)
1 puppy, +$25 for each additional pet or family member per session
5-7 Professionally Edited Photos per session
+digital gallery with additional photos & purchase options